
Stress. . .

is a pain in my behind. This last week has just been stress-inducing, even though nothing major happened. It'll be the third week of classes tomorrow, and there's already so much going on. For example, we'll take today. I was supposed to get off of work at 4:00 pm, and the person who was supposed to be there didn't show up. I call her, and she's sure someone else was covering the shift for her. Ok, I'm calm for now. I call that person. She's confused; it's not her. So, the first girl manages to call someone in to cover for a bit, except she's already worked up to her limit for the week. I stayed until 4:30 trying to find someone else, but I finally had to leave. I had rehearsal to get to at 5:30.

Did I mention how much I hate leaving a situation I should be able to fix?

I proceed to get the fastest shower of my life, blow-dry my hair, and leave with my roommate and her boyfriend, who drops us at my car. So first, I think I lost my keys (I was sitting on them.). Second, my car refuses to start. It is 5:05, and I still have to pick up another member of our choir. This is panic mode setting in. My roommate's boyfriend, bless his heart, offers to take us. Everything after that went ok, and now I'm back in my room listening to Frank Sinatra. Much better for now.

How intriguing. I wasn't even trying, but I think this post is going to tie-in to the title of my blog too.

Now I'm wishing I had another day just to destress from today. :P I have theory homework due tomorrow, but one of my good friends is in town, and I'm planning on attacking him with hugs when I see him.

I just wish stress didn't feel like it was already overtaking my semester. Perhaps I'll work on ways to find serenity in the small things. "And that's my new philosophy!"

And quoting that makes me feel a lot better already. :)

1 comment:

  1. "Jesus said to her, 'Martha, Martha, you are worried and trouble dabout many things. Only a few things are important, even just one. mary has chosen the good thing. It will not be taken away from her."

    MWAH! Things will calm down when we die ;-) Until then just keep going to your place of serenity.

    And maybe take a nap. those always seem to help. Heart you!
